Archery – September 2019

We wrapped up the archery shoots for the year on Sept 22.

High scores turned in September 8:
Freestyle -Men: Len Ellsworth 273, Jamie Powers 269, Rob Henricks 228.
  High scores turned in September 22:
Freestyle-Men: Brian Darrow 285, Jason Szostak 238
Traditional: Devin Drennan 198
Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the course and support the club. We look forward to having you back next year. Keep checking Facebook and the club website for next years schedule. Anticipating having a February shoot indoors.
Thanks to club members Mark Hanson, John Hoeft, Jim Hunter, Jim Reisner, Nathan Sova, David Drenth, Len Ellsworth and Kurt Heumann for their efforts in making the year a success. 